Sunday, December 8, 2013

Thunder Bay, ON- House Concert is the last "Got Lucky" Date

That's what an oil pipeline looks like when it's running by rail. Blast this load through countless little places, everybody hoping it will cling to the tracks, hoping that the wheel bearings are good, hoping that the track is secure, hoping that nobody fucks up. Beyond Dryden, ON, the road is better than expected this morning. It's very, very cold. Tire tracks cut through the frost covering the cleared portions of highway.

I've got a big coffee, I've got Sam Larkin on the stereo, and I'm having the easiest drive I've had in a long time. I'm looking forward to the show tonight- the last show of the Tour. And my wheels are pointed toward home. The sun comes out from time to time, and my mind is free to wander past the drill of keeping the car on the road. Here's a good spot to stop and answer nature's call. For a fleeting moment I imagine I'm John Denver, high on drugs, or full of Bud... Hmm... Wonder where all this will end up... Things could go one way, or the other. Oh, dear.

W.C. Fields always talked about this place. I doubt that he actually visited here- but it always made for a good story. Fields collected place names he could wrap his tongue around. I wish I could play Kakabeka Falls! Actually, I've been thinking for some time about doing a Tour which would include only places with interesting, or similar theme, names. The poster would be great...

Top of Hwy 61. I should be coming back here in the morning and driving to Clarksdale, MS. Ah, but that's not in the Got Lucky Tour Book! Hey, I've had enough snow to last me until next year.

Local, Thunder Bay, ON blues musician Dave Jonasson is hosting me tonight for a house concert. Dave's a really interesting player who has toured with a couple of international shows, but is pretty happy to stay close to home. I always like to hear him play! Folks are arriving early for the front row seats.

We have a really good house turn out for tonight's show. This is nice. It is cold out. And snowing. A nice crowd with a bunch of familiar faces is a wonderful way to wrap this Tour. Given the strains and stress of this year's road adventures, the fans along the way have themselves been my greatest reward.

Jacket winner!! Genuine satin, white stripe tour jacket! Got Lucky!!

Post show I relax with host Dave Jonasson and local showman, Camden Blues.

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